A Coffe with Michael Mende (Aristech CTO)

1. What does CTO mean to you and what are you responsible for?

As Head of Development at Aristech, it is my job to keep an eye on the software architecture and ensure that Aristech solutions meet the requirements of an overarching, future-oriented architecture. I am also responsible for coordinating the various development teams. In particular, I also consider it my job to support the individual developers and offer opportunities for further development, especially with regard to the use of and work with AI tools.

2. What future developments or trends in language technology do you see as particularly promising for software development?

We already work a lot with AI, of course, but in the future we want to integrate AI in all our areas of expertise (TTS, STT, bots, monitoring, etc.). I would then like to recognize synergies that arise from this and be able to define solutions that enable our customers to meaningfully exploit AI potential without taking incalculable risks.

In the long term, I am certain that the natural language dialog (AI) will be joined by an RPA (AI agent). Not just in terms of the communication situation, but the entire process will be based on natural human language with AI.

An example of this could be a callback AI agent "I have looked at your request and have one more question..."

3. How is the wide variety of human language and dialects processed in our language technology to ensure a good user experience?

On the one hand, you have to have a technological command of linguistic diversity and, on the other, you have to be fond of this linguistic diversity, because linguistic soft facts such as dialectal varieties of TTS voices and minor weaknesses in dialog should not be underestimated when it comes to the acceptance of AI dialogs.

We have already implemented this in the case of Swiss German and Austrian German. The Freiburg voice, which is used by the public transport company of Freiburg, also has a slight Alemannic touch. Further, we are currently developing a voice with a Cologne influence.

4. What is your main motivation and what do you personally enjoy most about the new developments?

I have a passion for language - we are a family with a theater background - and at the same time I love technology. I work on combining these two areas every day, which is an incredible joy, especially with our young team.

5. What do you do to maintain a healthy work-life balance and how do you find this balance?

My ideal work-life balance is to be creative and do sports to keep my head clear. I enjoy theater and cabaret, and I write my own dialect plays. It's a passion that fulfills me creatively. I have also written a book "Kurpfalz Impression" with this same passion.

Published on 3/28/2024

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