
A natural voice for your company.

Text-to-Speech Made in GermanyDigitize any voice in any language or dialect. Just a few steps are necessary for your custom TTS-voice.

Choose your talent

You choose the voice, we do the recordings and write a script to fit your domain.


Once the recordings are done, we prepare and optimize them for their use as a digital voice.


Our system processes the data and generates the optimal voice for you.

Your digital voice is ready

The digital voice can now speak and is ready for your chosen application.

A voice for everything

For your travels

Natural and flexible passenger announcements

An individual Domain Voice is comprehensible and flexible. Real-time announcements and new destinations can be pronounced effortlessly – no need for new recordings.

People waiting for a train
app developer

For your application

An integral part of your corporate identity

Text-to-speech integration for your application. A unique Corporate Voice creates a consistent customer experience.

For your everyday life

Speech is the natural way of communicating.

Give your devices a voice: Smart speakers, navigation systems, car, you name it.
We empower every device with a speaker.

weather app on a smartphone

Dismantling barriers

Give more people a way to experience your content.

Natural voices instead of stuttering synthesis.

Modern technology


Performant and stable with every system

Safe On-Premises on your device or flexible in the Cloud or your remote facility. We support every system, be it a smartphone or a datacenter.


Chitchat or Big-Talk

Do you need your voice to be able to say everything or is a specific domain context enough?
Are some few ports sufficient or do you require a high-load mode? We will find the right solution.


Improved by machine learning

Our team is always keeping up with the latest innovative development methods.
This way we can create the best possible solution for you.


Manual optimization with TTS-Designer

Should a word not be pronounced perfectly, you or our linguistically trained staff can manually optimize the voice.

Contact us

Our team loves to tackle new challenges and will find a fitting solution for your company.

Let's talk

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